Hutchings, N. (2011 submitted for review). What is next? News from the Sydney Moodle Moot, Journal of the Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education, xx-x.
Hutchings, N. (2011, accepted for publication). Distributed Leadership and information communication technologies, partners in change, The Australian Educational Leader, xx-x.
Hutchings, N. (2011 under review). Competing demands between work and the domestic sphere for a mid level leader in a secondary school context, a reflexive exploratory study, Leading and Managing, xx-x.
Hutchings, N. (2011). Applicability of ‘the balanced scorecard’ and ‘triple bottom line' accountability and sustainability within a educational/school context, The Australian Educational Leader, 33(3), 24-29.
Hutchings, N. (2011). Issues to consider in systemic reform in education a critique, online
Hutching, N. (2011). Improving outcomes for online self-reporting questionnaires in descriptive research. Journal of the Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education, 116: 12 -14 [LINK]
Hutchings, N. (2010). Implementing a Learning Management System (Moodle) in a Secondary School, a Pragmatic View. Journal of the Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education, 115: 8-10 [LINK]
Hutchings, N. (2010). Increasing student motivation and attention using computer game development within a cooperative learning setting. Journal of the Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education, 113: 24-27. [LINK]
Hutchings, N. (2010). Globalisation and Gender, trends in the global workplace and the effect on dual income working families, online
Hutchings, N. (2009, thesis). Online learning communities in secondary school environments: Social constructivist perspective, online
Hutchings, N. (2006). Structure, culture and power in educational change, online
Hutchings, N. (2011, forthcoming ). Teaching php using open source webserver software on a USB device. Workshop presented at the QSITE State Conference 2011. Brisbane
Hutchings, N. (2011, forthcoming ).Beyond the Digital revolution, putting the 'C' back into ICTs and what's blocking change. Paper presented at the QSITE State Conference 2011. Brisbane
Hutchings, N. (2011, July). Using Moodle and a 1 to 1 laptop program to drive rapid change in teaching and learning. Paper presented at the Moodlemoot au 2011. Sydney
Hutchings, N.(2011, June). Moodle beyond implementation, steps in developing an eLearning environment. Paper presented at the Education Revolution in Action 4. Brisbane [LINK]
Hutchings, N. (2011, June). Using the social web to gather information and expand professional networks. Paper presented at the Education Revolution in Action 4. Brisbane [LINK]
Hutchings, N. (2010, June). Implementing a Learning Management System (Moodle) in a Secondary School, a Pragmatic View. Paper presented at The Education revolution in action 3 (ERA3) Developing digital learners. Brisbane [LINK]